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Why to Write a Blog? Beginner Guide

 Blogging are the platform which allow to show  your writing skill to  your audience for growing your business. blog are the way to represent once professional by the means of writing.

 blogging  import your thought wondering to the people around us  so that any one get help who facing some problem so that they can convert its thought to their solution. here are some of the reason why to write a Blog.

beginner guide for why to write a blog?

1. Grow a Loyal Audience-

we are all familiar with the social media and  spent our some of the daily  time with the social media and also shared our skill on social media. social media is a medium to make our fan similarly blog are also work to make a loyal audience and help to provide useful information to our audience.

In blogging career audiences help  you to create better content along with you should publish article on consistency basic so that you have found there will be daily visit of your  blog occur by your target audience and ultimately your traffic will be increase and this become you to  a good writer. 

The important point mentioned here is that,  if your visitor find valuable information from your blog they will start share your article and these are the sign to tell the blog traffic will be increase gradually. some of the time it is also seen that your visitor  become your potential customer for the long time. 

2. To become members on New Community-

Blogging have consist of various community across the word these community depends on various categories of writer such as top blogging niches  in trends are Technical blog, 
Digital marketing blog, finance and Investment blog, Fashion, Travelling, Health, News Movie and Music blog are the some of the popular categories of blog where writer are interested to write on them on daily basic through collecting information and knowledge and spread these knowledge through their writing skill to the people across the world 

 gradually writers are involved into their niches  so there is a community formed between them.

since they were write on the similar topic and their content promotion method are also of similar type so they were aware to each other so a good communication were established and each categories of writer form a community. 

These community  perform a important role in the society as they can meet or  assemble and can also conduct an event where writer to specify categories gather and can talk on the current status of their niches. 

This can also help the writer to meet with the different people and this make more perfect to the blogger for their work. 

3. Starting online brand-

Blogging help to established online brand on his profession as blogger are published their content on different platforms by the online means so it form a brand to their  domain as 

If  their writing skill are good and their audience can connect on their content and can engage on the content on this way the brand value would be increases and also  increase their followers and subscriber on large scale. This can grow the business value of the blogger. 

Hence the brand will be increase the audience trust  and the loyal images are form which help to the growth in  the market.

4. Spread your business through blogging-

Now a days it becomes very popular to promotion of the business through blogging as  people are much advance in daily life.  

People are find their query to the best answer from the internet with their own understanding language so it will be the best opportunity to the business man to enhance their profit on the online plate form where blogging would be  the best option available to convert large selling through online shopping.

The blogger can write their product specification, performance rating, useful and important information regarding to their business profile and can promote through blogging

When ever people read their specification part and can like it. There will be chances are made to increase the  customer for the business.

5. To Select  own scheduled-

The person can write blog at any time and any where with respect to their choice there wouldn't be any fixed time mention for the blogging. The blogger can write any time whenever they free. 

Blogging as the business are one of the profile that are very flexible with the schedule. These are one of the business that manage time according to their comfort. 

6. To Generate more traffic to your blog-

On blogging it had seen that if blogger write well and published content on daily basis the more audience would be connect with their content and people would read.

 They form a routine of daily reading Content so that the blog traffic will be increases. 

7. To established financial growth-

The blogger can monetize their blog with the add network by the simple step of approval and can place add to the blog section.

These are the method to earn money and can growth the financial stability.

8. To become an own boss-

Blogging allow you to work on your way as you liked. You should follow your profession according to your style and can compete writing task on your own opinion.

This provide a freedom to own work profile so that you are easy to do writing as you want. There is not to required 9 am to 5 pm  job since you are free to work on your profile your time management. 

A blogger can make money as they want from add network through publishing number of content to their platform so that a blogger become his own boss.

also you can save his some time for their personal and family work because there is no fixed time choose for the blogging as well. 


career on writing blog can become a bright option but it takes time to become popular a blog. blogging require a consistency and a regular publish of post to get high rank in SERP there is need of proper SEO to be done so that the blog or website get large amount of traffic. you can also learn what is On Page SEO which help you to optimise your content well.   


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