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What is ON Page SEO? Beginners guide (2021)

 The defined structure apply on the content of web  pages are called On Page SEO. Where the element of tittle,  meta description, content and images are full optimized, proper using and placing  keyword on the web pages. There is a total control on pages by the web owner. In this guide am going to explain What is On Page SEO is and how it helpful for website for ranking in Search Engine Result Page.

To Optimize Tittle Tag

Tittle are the important part of any content when ever the user search his query in Search engine there will be top ten result are found then the user first seen the tittle of any topic before click to content and  start read a content. 

So the tittle is the first impression of any content which are relevant to keyword the user is find. 

The  structure of the tittle should be kept in such a way that  the user can easily understand what would be write inside the content and the tittle would match the user intention so that CTR of the  content will 
be increases 

Tittle of content  help google to provide information about your content when google bot crawl your tittle it determine and understand about the topic. 

Placing of primary keyword in the starting of tittle are seo friendly and it will be optimized. But over using keyword in tittle are avoided for a good tittle only mention of main keyword are essential.

as per google guide line length of the tittle should be around 60 character so you should kept your content tittle on 55 - 60 character the longer the tittle google will cut the part of your tittle so it will be better to make a tittle around 60 character 

But here the character limit are count in pixel which is 600 pixel limit. Means  if tittle contain the capital alphabet it take more pixel so avoid using capital letter in tittle. 

beginner guide for what is On Page SEO?

To Optimize Meta Description

Meta description are another important part of what is on page seo means  meta description are seen on the Search engine result pages where both user and search engine understand the summary of your content.

Meta description are the html tag. In search engine result page Meta description are seen below the tittle and user are always land on website before read meta description.

Meta Description also make on such type that  it summarise the content very well or character are relevant to answer of user query so that user take interest by reading and this also increase CTR.   the characters limit of Meta description are 175. 

Meta description are not a google ranking factor. It is not fixed that meta description are seen on search engine result page. google can place some of your content paragraphs in the form of snippets which are relevant to user query in place of meta description. The important part is you should place your main keyword  in meta description so that it will be optimized.

To Optimize URL

URL of any website which  stand for Uniform Resource Locator also called web address inform the location of web pages or file on internet and it is the mechanism of retrieve it. URL give information to both Search Engine and user about the web page content so the URL should be made in simple format that it can be easily readable. 

Capital letter used on URL should be avoided because it create confusion on the words of URL. Google bot does not read the meaning of underscore ( _ ) so in place of underscore you should use hyphen ( / ) between the words. Try to use Primary keyword  in your  URL this help to optimize your URL

If you want to change URL of page for any reason the use 301 redirect since if you change URL that means you have remove the page which is index in google and other website are also linked with that page so after applying 301 redirect the user can redirect to another page and link juice obtained in that page are also consumed. 

To Optimize Images 

Images are the most important part of any blog content. Image help user to better understand the content of  website to optimize image first to give keyword rich name to the image this can help high rank to image search results. 

Always check the size of images before apply to your blog. Large size image can affect the speed of your website so prefer small size image and if you have a high quality mage then compress it to under 100kb before use because it can also load to your website which take time to load. 

JPG image are best format image which you can use. It is loosely compressed format which are most popular use. 

Alt text help Search Engine to provide information about the images and become images Seo friendly search engine can not read images directly they read the Alt text mentioned on images. 

Make Alt text relevant to your content and use  keyword on Alt  text can help to better ranking in Search engine result. 

To use internal linking to your content 

Internal linking are a hyperlinking which connect your content to your another content on the same domain and increase your website traffic.

Whenever user visit your site for read any content and if you interlink your other content with that content then there would be chances that the user click the link and read other page content in this way your page view are increases and you will get more traffic also user spent more time on your blog or website and it decreases your bounce rate 

Google bot are also like internal linking and crawl well those website which have internal linking in this way ranking and authority of the website increases. Similarly off page seo also increases authority of website 


Now friend this guide what is On Page SEO are about to complete and I hope you can understand about On Page SEO if you have any doubt regarding to the topic please comment us below.

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  1. SEO optimization is of two types: On-page SEO (BON) and Off-page SEO (OBN). BON includes technical elements such as meta descriptions, page title tags to link to pages, and keywords in the title tag for text search engines like Google.What is ON_ page SEO includes things like links, social media links, internal links, keyword-rich URLs, etc.SEO is all about creating great content for web pages.
