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How to Write a Successful Blog in 2021 : A Step by Step Guide

 writing on blog are very interesting thing that could  make a perfect writer and also provide fame and respect to the writing world. writing are the means to convey one thought in front of people around the world. also blog writing help to make own audience and follower to their respective niches and categories of writing. blog are the platform which allow any one to write a story and share once knowledge around the world. The step by step guide on How to write a successful blog are as follow  

1. To make a Plan-

Planning are the initial step of writing on a subject or a topic that grow interest when  representing the written format to the people. The accurate research on any topic can help to create a useful content of your blog subject. 

how to make time for the writing a blog are the factor that help you  to think on the topic deeply. thinking about the topic what you want to write easily may produce a bunch of  content in short period of time and this also save your time for publishing your content consistency. 

a step by step guide how to write successful  blog

in blogging the very important point are to write a content on the regular manner so that the blogging journey become easy.

2. To Choose a Topic-

Selection of topic for the blog are the essential element for writing you should choose a tropic which you a familiar with it and you can explain all about the topic very well so that the  your audience take interest on the topic and can read all your post on regular basic.   

3. Make a Headline-

Make a headline help blogger how to write a successful blog in easy step, the headline  can provide a brief information to the blogger that how to frame the blog and kept his word into the heading so that the content will become the most useful for the people. 

The Headline also help to find the information of the topic well so that the content become more lengthy and complete knowledge taken by the readers. 

Headlines make the content effectiveness such as after reading people are easy to understand the concept and meaning of the blog or the message what ever the write want to provide to his reader.  

Headlines are the one effective way to increase large no of clicks to your content as many writers says that the click rate will be high on those content who had worked on headline. This also show the writer credible value  so we can always make a amazing headline.

4.The writing Part-

on writing a content the tittle are made which are relevant to the keyword you selected. the tittle formed are such that it  exactly tell the the information of the content so that the reader get to know about the topic. 

Before reading your article the person fist seen the tittle of your content then after they decide to view your over all content so the tittle is the first impression of your blog.

The blog tittle should be made in such a way that your audience interested to read your content and also be learn from them. 

the headline formed in the above step are also be in such type that it summarise the content and then explain each part of headline line along with the information to be collected in the initial step.  

 The writing part include the typing of word what ever your thought is on the writing pad but only writing word are not enough. 

writing on blog  carry something amazing that it look like you are communicate with the audience through your words. 

It influences  the people to be easily connected with your article which help your blog to get high traffic which also improve the quality and speed  of  your writing.


writing for online audience are very challenging part since user are come to the website for searching his query regarding to his topic however search engine are also find in which content audience take interest so it provide better rank in SERP  this guide written on How to write a successful blog of basic step I hope you will understand this topic well     

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